Nowadays, the question of whether more people should (embrace) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー While there are compelling arguments on the both sides of the debate and I firmly oppose the idea. Here, I will outline two primary reasons supporting my stance.
質問の内容がAgree or disagree~でもShould~でも大丈夫です。
For the reasons mentioned above taking into consideration, I contend that (11文字)
Taking these factors into consideration, I contend that
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
However, the conclusion is too brief and does not effectively summarize the key points.
内容: 6/10
The essay provides valid arguments supporting the positive effects of big companies on society.
The points are somewhat underdeveloped and lack specific examples and detailed explanations.
文法: 6/10
There are several grammatical errors, such as "effect" instead of "effect," and missing articles ("a" or "the").
Some sentences are awkwardly phrased and could be clearer.
単語: 6/10
The vocabulary is generally appropriate but somewhat basic.
There are spelling errors, such as "reserch" instead of "research," and missing spaces ("transportation networks andCommunication systems").
Today, the question of whether big companies have a positive effect on society has become a matter of public concern. While there are compelling arguments on both sides of the debate, I firmly support the idea. Here, I will outline two primary reasons supporting my stance.
Firstly, from the perspective of the economy, big companies are likely to boost economic activity and contribute to overall economic stability. For example, they invest heavily in research and development. Moreover, they pay significant taxes to society.
Secondly, big companies play a large role in producing new products. These products tend to be of high quality and offer diversity, enhancing customers' lifestyles. Additionally, infrastructure development is often implemented by these big companies. For example, transportation networks and communication systems are improved by their investments.
In conclusion, big companies contribute to economic stability and play significant roles in improving the quality of life.